dave + melissa MARRIED!!
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Note to self: pant-suits are RIDICULOUSLY warm for July weddings in South Dakota. I’m on the search for new, non-bridesmaid-looking dresses to wear for weddings. If you have any suggestions other than Target’s clearance rack, let me know! :-)

Other than the heat, Dave + Melissa’s wedding day was wonderful!! And I got a little carried away with their ring shots…

Hello, gorgeous!!

I am in LOVE with the front of this church:

Their. Flowers. Were. HUGE!!

The bouquet was bigger than Melissa and the guys bouts were tipping over! Nothing screams summer like giant yellow roses!! :-)

And check out these ups!!! I am SO impressed with Dave’s brother, the best man, directly to Dave’s left. And the last ‘big girl’ bridesmaid on the right. Nice work, team! This one wasn’t even Photoshopped together!!

Gotta love super-shy flower girls and ring bearers! :-)


They were pretty excited about kissing. They snuck in a couple during the ceremony AND didn’t hesitate a second when everyone started clinking their glasses the moment they got to the head table. Guess who’s excited to be married?! :-)

If I had not needed to sleep that night in preparation for my next wedding, I would have been ALL OVER this coffee bar!! Four different flavors of syrup, cream and sugar galore! Heaven! :-)

And, my portrait with the happy couple:

Congrats, Dave + Melissa!! I hope you had a great night dancing and eating the first piece of your cake!! (Dave tried to convince me to take a bite of cake before I took off, as long as I cut it out of the back side so no one would see. Right, Dave. Like I’m going to cut the first piece of YOUR wedding cake. Don’t get me wrong, I love cake, but I promise to never go so far as to dive into the wedding cake before the couple does. Never ever. :-))

sneak peeks!!
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Because I love to share… here are a couple sneak peeks from the weddings I photographed this weekend!!

Dave + Melissa on Friday:

…and Bryce + Brittany on Saturday:

More images to come later this week! :-)