2020 wasn’t half bad for us.
In January, we ‘started’ homeschooling – ever since being introduced to the Montessori method during my Catechesis of the Good Shepherd training last summer, I became hooked on creating homemade materials to help the kids learn in a hands-on way. Also inspired by the training was a desire to live the year according to the liturgical calendar.
In February, we celebrated Cecilia’s first heavenly birthday, and I completed my training for Level I CGS. The kids play so well together, and we were all excitedly preparing for baby brother’s arrival. I can’t tell you how many times the baby dolls’ diapers were changed!!
March brought baby Francis a month earlier than expected, which was all in God’s perfect timing. He didn’t have to spend any time in the NICU, and when we got home, state offices were shut down, so Lance got to spend extra time with us. (Read: extra time with the ‘big kids’ so I could soak up all those tiny baby snuggles.)
April, we snuggled some more. And I taught myself how to make homemade marshmallows.
May, we snuggled again, and got to start our garden a few days early! We are back at mass, in every other pew.
June, more snuggles, and almost all our time was spent outside watching for seeds to sprout and perennials to bloom.
July, we enjoyed fresh lettuce and peas from the garden, wild raspberries, some homeschool activities here and there, watching our new bishop’s ordination online, and … more snuggles. ;-)
August, our garden was in full bloom and the watermelon, butternut squash and papayadew were taking over. Baby sleeps on his own now, and I miss holding him while he sleeps, but the kids enjoy my attention. I prepare materials for our new CGS atrium at our parish in Hermosa, and I fall in love with the works and presentations even more!
September, we had to say an early good-bye to our garden, but we had more time for family and we now leave the house for atrium. Elodie would like you to know she has lost two baby teeth.
October, Francis is smiling and giggling (mostly for his sister) and teething and napping on a more consistent schedule, and so the kids are doing more homeschool as I have time/hands available. I had my one and only wedding for the year, and it was the most beautiful evening on the lake.
November was more of the same, but baby is on the move. He wants to be everywhere his big brother and sister are. He loves to crawl up and over everything.
December was a beautiful time of preparation, and despite the unseasonably warm weather, the kids got to enjoy a bit of snow. Milo got a set of walkie-talkies for his birthday, and I fear his daily nap will be forever replaced by the constant ‘bloop bloop’ sound of him radio-ing back and forth with his sister.
We hope you had a beautiful, slow, home-centered year, and that your good moments far outweighed the bad ones!