laura loves… january edition
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Turns out, delaying this blog post doesn’t change the fact that our daughter has turned one.

As much as I try to hang on to all those special moments each month (and week and day), our baby is still growing and well on her way to toddlerhood. But that just means that now there are more fun moments to cherish – like eating cake! :-)

SY4A0234-EditThis month, she has unlocked the expert level of peek-a-boo: using her skirt/shirt/hands to hide her face. Who needs a blanket? Not this girl! But she will use her blanket to play peek-a-boo first thing the morning before I pick her up out of her crib, as well as the last thing at night before I turn the light off.

We’re working on animal sounds, but so far she’s only mastered the pig’s snort. She also knows a few body parts, and will show us her ears, tummy, toes, and tongue when asked. Waves and kisses are getting her lots of smiles and attention at church – apparently she isn’t as shy as her mommy was!

She definitely knows what ‘no’ means, she just chooses to do what she wants anyway. For example, she will shake her head ‘no’ as she crawls towards our shoes or puts something in her mouth that she knows she shouldn’t. It’s so cute, and I’m learning the whole ‘scolding instead of smiling’ trick is hard work!

