laura loves… july edition
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The past month has been SO MUCH FUN!!!! From launching the new website to photographing a handful of fabulous weddings to finishing up wedding details to hanging out with friends and family – this month has been beyond wonderful!! Here’s what made my ‘top favorites’ for the month!

1. Chubby Chipmunk truffles – They are the best thing to come out of Deadwood! Who cares about going to the casinos, I’d rather spend all my money on chocolate!! Don’t mind the strange, run-down-gas-station-looking exterior of the building…. pure chocolate bliss is inside. And SO worth the drive from Rapid. My parents were out visiting for a week and we took the convertible out for a drive through the hills and Spearfish Canyon. We couldn’t NOT stop for truffles. :-)

2. Lake Angostura – It has been a super busy summer for me and Lance, and every time we’ve had time to take the boat out it has either rained or been too windy to go out on the water. So FINALLY this weekend we had time off AND perfect weather. I am happy to announce that my legs no longer blind people when I wear shorts in public. :-D

3. AIR CONDITIONING!!!!!!!! It has been SO HOT here for the past couple weeks and I am SO thankful to have air conditioning at my apartment. And a pool. That helps, too, when I don’t have work to do.

4. Alaska – It’s crazy that a month ago I was just getting back from photographing Patrick + Kimberly’s wedding in Whittier, Alaska. We had such wonderful weather (none of these 100+ degree days…) and everywhere you looked was so pretty. I only took a handful of mountain pictures because I was warned that it is possible to take too many mountain pictures – they all end up looking the same. And they’ll still be there when I go back to visit… someday…

